Source code for qpsphere.models.mod_rytov

import numpy as np
import scipy.special as spspec
import scipy.interpolate as spinterp
from skimage.restoration import unwrap

import qpimage

def interpolate_grid(cin, cout, data, fillval=0):
    """Return the 2D field averaged radially w.r.t. the center"""
    if np.iscomplexobj(data):
        phase = interpolate_grid(
            cin, cout, unwrap.unwrap_phase(np.angle(data)), fillval=0)
        ampli = interpolate_grid(cin, cout, np.abs(data), fillval=1)
        return ampli * np.exp(1j * phase)

    ipol = spinterp.interp2d(x=cin[0], y=cin[1], z=data,
    return ipol(cout[0], cout[1])

[docs]def rytov(radius=5e-6, sphere_index=1.339, medium_index=1.333, wavelength=550e-9, pixel_size=.5e-6, grid_size=(80, 80), center=(39.5, 39.5), focus=0, radius_sampling=42): """Field behind a dielectric sphere in the Rytov approximation Parameters ---------- radius: float Radius of the sphere [m] sphere_index: float Refractive index of the sphere medium_index: float Refractive index of the surrounding medium wavelength: float Vacuum wavelength of the imaging light [m] pixel_size: float Pixel size [m] grid_size: tuple of floats Resulting image size in x and y [px] center: tuple of floats Center position in image coordinates [px] focus: float .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 Axial focus position [m] measured from the center of the sphere in the direction of light propagation. radius_sampling: int Number of pixels used to sample the sphere radius when computing the Rytov field. The default value of 42 pixels is a reasonable number for single-cell analysis. Returns ------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage Quantitative phase data set """ # sample the sphere radius with approximately 42px # (rounded to next integer pixel size) samp_mult = radius_sampling * pixel_size / radius sizex = grid_size[0] * samp_mult sizey = grid_size[1] * samp_mult grid_size_sim = (int(np.round(sizex)), int(np.round(sizey))) size_factor = grid_size_sim[0] / grid_size[0] pixel_size_sim = pixel_size / size_factor field = sphere_prop_fslice_bessel(radius=radius, sphere_index=sphere_index, medium_index=medium_index, wavelength=wavelength, pixel_size=pixel_size_sim, grid_size=grid_size_sim, lD=focus, approx="rytov", zeropad=5, oversample=1 ) # interpolate field back to original image coordinates # simulation coordinates x_sim = (np.arange(grid_size_sim[0]) + .5) * pixel_size_sim y_sim = (np.arange(grid_size_sim[1]) + .5) * pixel_size_sim # output coordinates x = (np.arange(grid_size[0]) + grid_size[0] / 2 - center[0]) * pixel_size y = (np.arange(grid_size[1]) + grid_size[1] / 2 - center[1]) * pixel_size # Interpolate resulting field with original extent field = interpolate_grid(cin=(y_sim, x_sim), cout=(y, x), data=field) meta_data = {"pixel size": pixel_size, "wavelength": wavelength, "medium index": medium_index, "sim center": center, "sim radius": radius, "sim index": sphere_index, "sim model": "rytov", } qpi = qpimage.QPImage(data=field, which_data="field", meta_data=meta_data) return qpi
def sphere_prop_fslice_bessel(radius, sphere_index, medium_index, wavelength=550e-9, pixel_size=1e-7, grid_size=(80, 80), lD=0, approx="rytov", zeropad=5, oversample=1 ): """Compute the projection of a disc using the Fourier slice theorem and the Bessel function of the first kind of order 1. Parameters ---------- radius: float Radius of the sphere [m] sphere_index: float Refractive index of the sphere medium_index: float Refractive index of the surrounding medium wavelength: float Vacuum wavelength of the imaging light [m] pixel_size: float Pixel size [m] grid_size: tuple of floats Resulting image size in x and y [px] lD: float The axial distance [m] from the center of the sphere at which the field is computed. approx: str Which approximation to use (either "born" or "rytov") zeropad: int Zero-padding factor oversample: int Oversampling factor """ assert approx in ["born", "rytov"] assert oversample > 0 assert zeropad > 0 assert isinstance(oversample, int) assert isinstance(zeropad, int) # convert everything to pixels radius /= pixel_size wavelength /= pixel_size lD /= pixel_size # apply over-sampling and zero-padding wavelength *= oversample opad_size = np.array(grid_size) * zeropad * oversample assert (int(s) == s for s in opad_size), "grid_size must be integer type" opad_size = np.array(np.round(opad_size), dtype=int) grid_size = np.array(np.round(grid_size), dtype=int) kx = 2 * np.pi * \ np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(opad_size[0])).reshape(-1, 1) ky = 2 * np.pi * \ np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(opad_size[1])).reshape(1, -1) km = 2 * np.pi * medium_index / wavelength filter_klp = (kx**2 + ky**2 < km**2) kz = np.sqrt((km**2 - kx**2 - ky**2) * filter_klp) - km r = np.sqrt((kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2) * filter_klp) / (2 * np.pi) comp_id = r != 0 F = np.zeros_like(r) F[comp_id] = spspec.spherical_jn(1, r[comp_id] * radius * np.pi * 2) \ * radius**2 / r[comp_id] * 2 # center has analytical value center_fft = np.where(np.abs(kx) + np.abs(ky) + np.abs(kz) == 0) F[center_fft] = 4 / 3 * np.pi * radius**3 # object amplitude F *= km**2 * ((sphere_index / medium_index)**2 - 1) # prefactor A M = 1. / km * np.sqrt((km**2 - kx**2 - ky**2) * filter_klp) # division factor A = -2j * km * M * np.exp(-1j * km * M * lD) # rotate phase by half a pixel so the ifft is centered in real space if grid_size[0] % 2: doffx = 0 else: doffx = .5 if grid_size[1] % 2: doffy = 0 else: doffy = .5 transl = np.exp(1j * ((doffx) * kx + (doffy) * ky)) valid = F != 0 Fconv = np.zeros((opad_size[0], opad_size[1]), dtype=complex) Fconv[valid] = F[valid] / A[valid] * transl[valid] p = np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.fftshift(Fconv)) p = np.fft.ifftshift(p) if oversample > 1: p = p[::oversample, ::oversample] if zeropad > 1: # Slice a0, a1 = np.array(np.floor(opad_size / 2), dtype=int) // oversample b0, b1 = np.array(np.floor(grid_size / 2), dtype=int) if grid_size[0] % 2 != 0: of0 = 1 a0 += 1 else: of0 = 0 if grid_size[1] % 2 != 0: of1 = 1 a1 += 1 else: of1 = 0 # remove zero-padding p = p[a0 - b0:a0 + b0 + of0, a1 - b1:a1 + b1 + of1] if approx == "born": # norm = (u0 + ub)/u0 # norm = 1 + ub/u0 return 1 + p / np.exp(1j * km * lD) elif approx == "rytov": # norm = (u0 + ur)/u0 # ur = u0 ( exp(ub/u0) -1 ) # norm = ( u0 + u0 *(exp(ub/u0)-1) )/u0 # norm = exp(ub/u0) return np.exp(p / np.exp(1j * km * lD))