Source code for qpsphere.models.mod_mie_avg

import nrefocus
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as spinterp

import qpimage

from .mod_mie import field2ap_corr
from ._bhfield import simulate_sphere

[docs]def mie_avg(radius=5e-6, sphere_index=1.339, medium_index=1.333, wavelength=550e-9, pixel_size=1e-7, grid_size=(80, 80), center=(39.5, 39.5), interpolate=3, focus=0, arp=True): """Mie-simulated non-polarized field behind a dielectric sphere Parameters ---------- radius: float Radius of the sphere [m] sphere_index: float Refractive index of the sphere medium_index: float Refractive index of the surrounding medium wavelength: float Vacuum wavelength of the imaging light [m] pixel_size: float Pixel size [m] grid_size: tuple of floats Resulting image size in x and y [px] center: tuple of floats Center position in image coordinates [px] interpolate: int Compute the radial field with sampling that is by a factor of `interpolate` higher than the required data and interpolate the 2D field from there. focus: float .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 Axial focus position [m] measured from the center of the sphere in the direction of light propagation. arp: bool Use arbitrary precision (ARPREC) in BHFIELD computations Returns ------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage Quantitative phase data set """ center = np.array(center) grid_size = np.array(grid_size) # simulation parameters radius_um = radius * 1e6 # radius of sphere in um propd_um = radius_um # simulate propagation through full sphere propd_lamd = radius / wavelength # radius in wavelengths wave_nm = wavelength * 1e9 kwargs = {"radius_sphere_um": radius_um, "refractive_index_medium": medium_index, "refractive_index_sphere": sphere_index, "measurement_position_um": propd_um, "wavelength_nm": wave_nm} upres = wavelength / pixel_size * interpolate max_off = np.max(np.abs(grid_size / 2 - .5 - center)) latsize = int(np.round((np.max(grid_size) + max_off))) num = latsize * upres / 2 # find the maximum interpolation range in the 2d image bignum = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(grid_size) / 2 + max_off)**2))) * interpolate) # Compare this number to the radius of the sphere and cut it off at # three times the radius. radnum = int(np.ceil(3 * radius / pixel_size) * interpolate) bignum = min(bignum, radnum) latsize *= bignum / num latsize *= wavelength * 1e6 upres /= wavelength * 1e6 background = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * propd_lamd * medium_index) # [sic]: Not times upres ofx_px = grid_size[0] / 2 - center[0] ofy_px = grid_size[1] / 2 - center[1] kwargsx = kwargs.copy() kwargsx.update({"size_simulation_um": (latsize / 2, 1 / upres), "shape_grid": (bignum, 1), "offset_x_um": -latsize / 4, "offset_y_um": 0}) fieldx = simulate_sphere(arp=arp, **kwargsx) / background kwargsy = kwargs.copy() kwargsy.update({"size_simulation_um": (1 / upres, latsize / 2), "shape_grid": (1, bignum), "offset_x_um": 0, "offset_y_um": -latsize / 4}) fieldy = simulate_sphere(arp=arp, **kwargsy) / background field = (fieldx.flatten() + fieldy.flatten()) / 2 xo = np.linspace(0, bignum, bignum, endpoint=True) / interpolate x = np.linspace(-grid_size[0] / 2, grid_size[0] / 2, grid_size[0] * interpolate, endpoint=True) y = np.linspace(-grid_size[1] / 2, grid_size[1] / 2, grid_size[1] * interpolate, endpoint=True) yv, xv = np.meshgrid(y, x) r = np.sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2) inpt_kwargs = {"kind": "linear", "assume_sorted": True, "bounds_error": False, } ipltph = spinterp.interp1d(xo, np.unwrap( np.angle(field)), fill_value=0, **inpt_kwargs) ipltam = spinterp.interp1d(xo, np.abs(field), fill_value=1, **inpt_kwargs) phase2d = ipltph(r) field2d = ipltam(r) * np.exp(1j * phase2d) # Numerical refocusing # We need to perform numerical focusing with the upsampled array, # or else we will loose spatial information and the resulting # spherical image becomes asymmetric. refoc_field2d = nrefocus.refocus( field2d, d=-((radius+focus) / pixel_size) * interpolate, nm=medium_index, res=wavelength / pixel_size * interpolate ) # Phase (2PI offset corrected) and amplitude ampli, phase = field2ap_corr(refoc_field2d) # Perform new interpolation on requested grid intpp = spinterp.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, phase, kx=1, ky=1) intpa = spinterp.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, ampli, kx=1, ky=1) xp = np.linspace(-grid_size[0] / 2, grid_size[0] / 2, grid_size[0], endpoint=False) + ofx_px yp = np.linspace(-grid_size[1] / 2, grid_size[1] / 2, grid_size[1], endpoint=False) + ofy_px amp_off = intpa(xp, yp) pha_off = intpp(xp, yp) meta_data = {"pixel size": pixel_size, "wavelength": wavelength, "medium index": medium_index, "sim center": center, "sim radius": radius, "sim index": sphere_index, "sim model": "mie-avg", } qpi = qpimage.QPImage(data=(pha_off, amp_off), which_data="phase,amplitude", meta_data=meta_data) return qpi