Source code for qpsphere.cnvnc

import numpy as np

from . import edgefit
from . import imagefit
from .models import simulate

[docs]def analyze(qpi, r0, method="edge", model="projection", edgekw={}, imagekw={}, ret_center=False, ret_pha_offset=False, ret_qpi=False): """Determine refractive index and radius of a spherical object Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage Quantitative phase image data r0: float Approximate radius of the sphere [m] method: str The method used to determine the refractive index can either be "edge" (determine the radius from the edge detected in the phase image) or "image" (perform a 2D phase image fit). model: str The light-scattering model used by `method`. If `method` is "edge", only "projection" is allowed. If `method` is "image", `model` can be one of "mie", "projection", "rytov", or "rytov-sc". edgekw: dict Keyword arguments for tuning the edge detection algorithm, see :func:`qpsphere.edgefit.contour_canny`. imagekw: dict Keyword arguments for tuning the image fitting algorithm, see :func:`qpsphere.imagefit.alg.match_phase` ret_center: bool If True, return the center coordinate of the sphere. ret_pha_offset: bool If True, return the phase image background offset. ret_qpi: bool If True, return the modeled data as a :class:`qpimage.QPImage`. Returns ------- n: float Computed refractive index r: float Computed radius [m] c: tuple of floats Only returned if `ret_center` is True; Center position of the sphere [px] pha_offset: float Only returned if `ret_pha_offset` is True; Phase image background offset qpi_sim: qpimage.QPImage Only returned if `ret_qpi` is True; Modeled data Notes ----- If `method` is "image", then the "edge" method is used as a first step to estimate initial parameters for radius, refractive index, and position of the sphere using `edgekw`. If this behavior is not desired, please make use of the method :func:`qpsphere.imagefit.analyze`. """ if method == "edge": if model != "projection": raise ValueError("`method='edge'` requires `model='projection'`!") n, r, c = edgefit.analyze(qpi=qpi, r0=r0, edgekw=edgekw, ret_center=True, ret_edge=False, ) res = [n, r] if ret_center: res.append(c) if ret_pha_offset: res.append(0) if ret_qpi: qpi_sim = simulate(radius=r, sphere_index=n, medium_index=qpi["medium index"], wavelength=qpi["wavelength"], grid_size=qpi.shape, model="projection", pixel_size=qpi["pixel size"], center=c) res.append(qpi_sim) elif method == "image": try: n0, r0, c0 = edgefit.analyze(qpi=qpi, r0=r0, edgekw=edgekw, ret_center=True, ret_edge=False, ) except edgefit.EdgeDetectionError: # proceed with best guess c0 = np.array(qpi.shape) / 2 n0 = qpi["medium index"] + np.sign(np.sum(qpi.pha)) * .01 res = imagefit.analyze(qpi=qpi, model=model, n0=n0, r0=r0, c0=c0, imagekw=imagekw, ret_center=ret_center, ret_pha_offset=ret_pha_offset, ret_qpi=ret_qpi ) else: raise NotImplementedError("`method` must be 'edge' or 'image'!") return res
[docs]def bg_phase_mask_from_sim(sim, radial_clearance=1.1): """Return the background phase mask of a qpsphere simulation Parameters ---------- sim: qpimage.QPImage Quantitative phase data simulated with qpsphere; The simulation keyword arguments "sim center", "sim radius", and "pixel size" must be present in `sim.meta`. radial_clearance: float Multiplicator to the fitted radius of the sphere; modifies the size of the mask; set to "1" to use the radius determined by :func:`qpsphere.analyze`. The circular area containing the phase object is set to `False` in the output `mask` image. Returns ------- mask: boolean 2d np.ndarray The mask is `True` for background regions and `False` for object regions. """ # Mask values around the object cx, cy = sim["sim center"] radius = sim["sim radius"] px_um = sim["pixel size"] x = np.arange(sim.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1) y = np.arange(sim.shape[1]).reshape(1, -1) rsq = (x - cx)**2 + (y - cy)**2 mask = rsq > (radius/px_um * radial_clearance)**2 return mask
[docs]def bg_phase_mask_for_qpi(qpi, r0, method="edge", model="projection", edgekw={}, imagekw={}, radial_clearance=1.1): """Determine the background phase mask for a spherical phase object The position and radius of the phase object are determined with :func:`analyze`, to which the corresponding keyword arguments are passed. A binary mask is created from the simulation results via :func:`bg_phase_mask_from_sim`. Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage Quantitative phase image data r0: float Approximate radius of the sphere [m] method: str The method used to determine the refractive index can either be "edge" (determine the radius from the edge detected in the phase image) or "image" (perform a 2D phase image fit). model: str The light-scattering model used by `method`. If `method` is "edge", only "projection" is allowed. If `method` is "image", `model` can be one of "mie", "projection", "rytov", or "rytov-sc". edgekw: dict Keyword arguments for tuning the edge detection algorithm, see :func:`qpsphere.edgefit.contour_canny`. imagekw: dict Keyword arguments for tuning the image fitting algorithm, see :func:`qpsphere.imagefit.alg.match_phase` radial_clearance: float Multiplicator to the fitted radius of the sphere; modifies the size of the mask; set to "1" to use the radius determined by :func:`qpsphere.analyze`. The circular area containing the phase object is set to `False` in the output `mask` image. Returns ------- mask: boolean 2d np.ndarray The mask is `True` for background regions and `False` for object regions. """ # fit sphere _, _, sim = analyze(qpi=qpi, r0=r0, method=method, model=model, edgekw=edgekw, imagekw=imagekw, ret_qpi=True) # determine mask mask = bg_phase_mask_from_sim(sim=sim, radial_clearance=radial_clearance) return mask